Sunday, February 1, 2009

I am crazy. or I am truly a woman. ( I hope so or else are these body parts on loan?)

Why do I feel the need to say everything to everyone. and the crazy part is that i usually only say about a quarter of what I'm thinking. So if people thought I talked alot now, thank goodness they can't get in my head.

I should really just learn when to be quiet. I think it would serve my best interests.

The other part of me that drives me crazy is how much I nit-pic and disect things. I wouldn't have as much to say if I'd just let things go. but I can't. I can't keep my mind from wandering off and thinking bizzare thoughts.

Also, why won't I get it. I don't need to know what someone is thinking, and everyone doesn't need to know what I'm thinking. Just keep it to myself.

The sad thing is that I've already identified my craziness but there is little I can do to control it. It just seems to get the best of me sometimes. I also think I won't change; instead with age I will only come more subdued and hopefully wiser.