Tuesday, November 13, 2007

First Entry

I feel that since this is my first entry it should be profound or at least a slight interesting; however, I have a feeling I won't live up to that expectation. I should be studying for my LSAT right now but I'm procrastinating. I like to do that once an awhile.

As I sit here I am beginning to realize why my daughter yells so much. I mean she yells alot; however, I should add she yells in that cute endearing way. but back to the reason why: We are a loud family. I can hear my parents conversation from my room and my door is closed. Do we think the volume of our voice will get our point across more easily? If anything I think it makes it easier to tune each other out; while we conjure a rebuttal. I know I catch myself doing that sometimes. Will my daughter do the same thing? Oh how our vices come back and bite us in the ass.

On the other hand I like that we're loud. At least we all have something to say. Have u ever been at a friends house and no one talks to each other. Can you say: awkward! So if I had to chose I' take to loud family (as long as it's not loud and ignorant). And I love how my daughter yells at the hoodlum kids next door its like she's taking the words right out of my mouth.

Ok the concludes my random thought; I have to get back to studying. :(

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Good first entry. I can hear Robert all the way over at my house.