Thursday, November 15, 2007

Mitt Romney

So on my way to work this morning I was listening to "Morning Edition" on NPR, and they were reporting on Mitt Romney's rating in the South Carolina. When interviewing a lady who was born in Utah but now resides in South Carolina she had this to say:

"I know a little bit about Mormonism and there's absolutely no way that I could vote for Mitt Romney because of that," she said. "It's not a Biblical-based, Judeo-Christian religion. It's a cult."

Ok! I'm not going to vote for Romney, but not because he's a mormon but because he's a conservative republican. Unless I missed the section in Government class a precursor for the president is that he/she has to be a protestant. Americans flipped when JFK ran for president because he was Catholic; my God! it's not like he was friggin Mary Queen of Scotts. I just don't understand this obsession that the US President has to be Evangelical Christian. The great thing about this country is that it has freedom of religion; our forefathers drafted a constitution that separates religion and state; no where does it say that the president must be Christian or share the popular religion of the nation. Frankly, his religion shouldn't be weighed that heavy because if he is upholding his Oath he will not allow his religion to interfere with the matters of this country.

I don't see it as a negative when I see candidates who are religious; I'm just saying that it shouldn't be seen as a necessary trait. I think the morals of a candidate is far more important to look at. Because you don't have to be religious to be a morally good person, and just because your religious doesn't mean you make morally good decisions.

NEhoo it was an interesting report if you want to check it out here's the link

1 comment:

afser said...

"One nation under God"
Until the day it is removed, people are going to continue to be paranoid about the religion of the leader of the nation.