Monday, May 19, 2008

Just two more months

It is times like these I have to stop and look forward. I have to pick my head up from the pile of shit surrounding it, and just refocus. Sometimes it helps, and it makes me feel optimistic. Other times it just depresses me to see how far I am from my goals.

It is crazy; I feel like the stock market I was up now I'm down. Just a month ago I was hyped and positive. It was spring the weather was beautiful; I felt like I shed my winter skin and was ready for a new year. Then within a few weeks I let small things bother me when I know if a few months it won't matter.

I'm just gonna go on a tanget:
-I hate pack rats, what the hell, either recycle or donate crap you'll never use again.

Ok, I'm back. I don't like feeling like this; especially when summer is about to start. Usually I'm excited. Summer means pool, vacation, relaxation. And I don't feel relaxed. I feel like this summer will be rushed. Yet I feel bored. It's not that I don't have things to do I'm just bored with what needs to be done. I don't want to do it anymore....... Just two more months...and then there's miami...or new york if i get a ticket to a fancy shamncy dinner... or Boston if someone is feeling generous.....oh I'm feeling a lil better.

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